What is going on in N.Y.C.?
With the death of a trans woman, Islan Nettles, 21, on Thursday after an assault five days earlier, the number of hate crimes against LGBT people in that city has climbed to 68 so far this year. 68!! It’s absolute madness. It’s sick.
Blogger Raillan Brooks on The Village Voice site asks :
There is nothing original left to say about reasons behind the rash of hate crimes this summer. Last count puts the number at 68 so far this year, 14 more than in all of 2012. Is it a result of better reporting to authorities? Or now that a more progressive social regime is set to inherit the city, is this the Last Flail of the Homophobes?
I share Raillan’s disgust with it all, and I urge my LGBTQ readers to think twice about going to New York City.